The Shire has commenced the process of reviewing its Heritage List (HL), which was first adopted in March 2016. The Shire's current HL can be found in the Document Library section of this site, or on the Shire website here
The Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 require local governments to establish and maintain a HL to identify places in the district that are of cultural heritage significance and worthy of built heritage conservation.
A HL is an instrument that is afforded powers under the Planning and Development Act 2005 and therefore carries statutory weight when determining planning outcomes for heritage places. The Shire in considering an application for planning approval is to have due regard to the conservation of any place which is included in the Shire’s HL.
The HL relies on the Local Heritage Survey (LHS) to identify the most significant heritage places in the Shire that warrant protection. As an updated LHS has been adopted by Council, a draft (updated) HL is currently being prepared. This will involve including additional places in the HL which are identified in the LHS as having a significance category 1 or 2 (being places which are essential or very important to the heritage of the locality).
Updates will be provided in the Latest News and Timeline sections of this site when necessary.
Should you have any queries please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section on this site, or contact the Shire’s Planning Services on 9290 6740 or via
A planning application is required for demolitions, renovations, extensions, and new buildings on heritage properties unless exempt under the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and/or the Shire's Heritage Local Planning Policy.
A building permit is required for all structural work.
A demolition licence is required for all demolitions of buildings.
Note: No work can commence until all necessary approvals have been obtained.
Further information can be obtained by contacting the Shire's Planning and Building Services on 9290 6666 or via
Further details can be found here or by contacting the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage on 6551 8002.
This can be found out via the following ways. Either by:
The inclusion of a place in the LHS does not mean that the place cannot be changed. In fact, practical changes and new compatible uses are often the best way to ensure that places are used and enjoyed into the future. The impact of future development proposals on the heritage values of the place will be a key consideration in the assessment of a development application, as well as the normal considerations such as building height limits, setback distances from lot boundaries etc.
Internal changes are permissible and do not require development approval, unless they are structural in nature or affect interior features identified to have heritage significance. Modification or additions to a place on the Heritage List will usually require development approval and may require referral to the State Heritage Office.
If the property is on the Shire's Local Heritage Survey it will not require development approval. In most cases a demolition permit will need to be obtained from the Shire. However, if the property is on the Shire's Heritage List development approval will be required to be obtained, as well as a demolition permit prior to demolishing. The Shire's Heritage List can be found on the Document Library section of this site and on the Shire's website.
Please also refer to the Shire's Heritage Requirements for Planning Proposals Local Planning Policy which has provisions relating to when heritage buildings/structures are proposed to be fully or partially demolished.
Please refer to 'Preparing Planning proposals for heritage sites' under the Frequently Asked Questions section of this site.
Alternatively, please contact the Shire's Planning and Building Services on 9290 6666 or via
Please refer to the Shire's Heritage Requirements for Planning Proposals local planning policy found here
In addition to the above, the following is also required to be provided for a Planning application:
Information on how to prepare a structure plan can be found here
If you have any queries please contact the Shire’s Planning Services on 9290 6740 or via
When preparing a Planning proposal the matters listed under Schedule 2 Clause 67 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (found here) need to be considered. This includes, amongst other matters:
If you have any queries regarding the above please contact the Shire's Planning Services on 9290 6740 or via
The Shire welcomes nominations from all sectors of the community. For the Shire to consider new places for possible inclusion into its Local Heritage Survey when next reviewed, nominations must be made in writing and sent to the Shire's Planning Services via:
Post: Shire of Mundaring, 7000 Great Eastern Highway, MUNDARING WA 6073
Nominations must provide sufficient information to identify the place and the reason for its nomination (e.g. any historical information, old photographs etc.) to assist the Shire with assessing the place's cultural heritage significance..
Nominated places will be considered when the next review of the Shire's Local Heritage Survey occurs. In accordance with the Heritage Council of Western Australia's Guidelines for Local Heritage Surveys, the rate of review will reflect the rate of change within the Shire, in relation to overall development and population. Therefore, no definitive timeframe can currently be provided as to when the next review is likely to commence. Details will be provided in the Latest News section of this site when necessary.
When the next review does commence the Shire will consider the information provided and assess the place against the cultural heritage values: aesthetic, historic, scientific, social and spiritual.
The Shire's Heritage Strategy establishes the aims for a heritage framework for the management of heritage within the Shire. It includes various proposed actions, with a range of desired outcomes that are to be achieved over the coming years. The Heritage Strategy is available to view under the Document Library section of this site.
The Local Heritage Survey (LHS) is important as a first point of identification of heritage places and is used, among other functions, to inform the preparation of a heritage list. However, the LHS itself has little specific planning or legal weight.
In contrast, a Heritage List is an instrument that is afforded powers under the Planning and Development Act 2005 and therefore carries more statutory weight when determining planning outcomes for heritage places.
The Shire in considering an application for planning approval is to have due regard to the conservation of any place that has been entered in the State Heritage Register, or which is included in the Shire’s Heritage List or LHS.
Entry on the LHS means that the heritage values of the place are recognised in the town planning framework. The impact of future development proposals on the heritage values of the place will be a key consideration in the assessment of a development application, as well as the normal planning considerations such as building height limits, setback distances from boundaries etc.
If you have a question about the Local Heritage Survey review please contact the Shire’s Planning department via or on 9290 6666.
The Shire cannot comment on whether it affects the value of a property. It is recommended that you seek advice from a licensed property valuer to obtain information on this matter.
Please refer to the Shire's Heritage Requirements for Planning Proposals local planning policy found here
Schedule 2, Part 3, Cl. 8(1) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 requires local government to establish and maintain a heritage list to identify places in the scheme area that are of cultural heritage significance and worthy of built heritage conservation.
A Heritage List relies on the Local Heritage Survey to identify the most significant heritage places in the Shire that warrant protection. Unlike the Local Heritage Survey, the Heritage List is an instrument that is afforded powers under the Planning and Development Act 2005 and therefore carries more statutory weight when determining planning outcomes for heritage places.
The inclusion of places on the Heritage List gives them recognition and protection under the local panning framework. Unless exempt under the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and/or a local planning policy, any proposed works at these places would require development approval to be obtained prior to being carried out.
The Shire cannot comment on whether it affects the value of a property. It is recommended that you seek advice from a licensed property valuer to obtain information on this matter.
If you have a question about the local Heritage List please contact the Shire’s Planning Services via or on 9290 6740.
The Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 is the legislation that manages Aboriginal heritage in Western Australia. Approval is only required where there is potential for any harm to an Aboriginal site. Before undertaking any activities on your land, you should check for Aboriginal heritage.
Further details regarding the legislation and the approval process can be found here or by contacting the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage on 6551 8002.
Aboriginal heritage holds significant value to Aboriginal people for their social, spiritual, historical, scientific, or aesthetic importance within Aboriginal traditions.
The State Government’s Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Inquiry System (ACHIS) provides locations and information about Aboriginal heritage in Western Australia, this can be found here
The following are some images of the many heritage places within the Shire of Mundaring. Please refer to the Shire's Local Heritage Survey for more.
Phone: (08) 9290 6652
Mundadjalina-k ngala kaditj Noongar moort nidja Wadjak boodjar-ak kalyakool moondang-ak kaaradj-midi.
Ngala Noongar Moort wer baalabang moorditj kaadidjiny koota-djinanginy.
Ngala Noongar wer Torres Strait Moort-al dandjoo koorliny kwaba-djinanginy.
Koora, yeyi wer kalyakool, ngalak Aboriginal wer Torres Strait birdiya wer moort koota-djinanginy.
Shire of Mundaring respectfully acknowledges the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation, who are the traditional custodians of this land.
We acknowledge Elders past, present and emerging and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the region.