The Shire has a rich and colourful history. Local heritage is a defining characteristic of the Shire and needs to be understood and is vital to the community’s sense of place and wellbeing.
The Shire's Heritage Strategy establishes the aims for a heritage framework for the management of heritage within the Shire. It includes various proposed actions, with a range of desired outcomes that are to be achieved over the next few years, one of which being to review the Shire's Local Heritage Survey.
The Shire has commenced reviewing its Local Heritage Survey. As part of the Local Heritage Survey review the Shire has sought nominations of places within the Shire for consideration of inclusion, or (if currently included on the Local Heritage Survey) amendment or removal. This will ensure that the heritage views of stakeholders and the community are able to be identified and considered.
In addition, the Shire has also prepared a draft Heritage Requirements for Planning Proposals Local Planning Policy, the purpose of which is to provide guidance on the assessment of planning proposals involving works affecting a local heritage place.
Updates will be provided in the Latest News section below when necessary.