Project Overview

Community Vision

Revitalise the Mundaring Town Centre, to ensure it is a vibrant and desirable place to live, shop, work and visit — now and into the future.

Shire of Mundaring is committed to realising the community's vision for a revitalised Mundaring Town Centre, through creation of a new civic and cultural heart (Cultural Precinct), comprising:

  • Construction of the Mundaring Cultural Hub, a $23 million multi-purpose facility accommodating a range of existing cultural services, including: Albert Facey Memorial Library (incorporating Mundaring Toy Library); Mundaring Arts Centre; Mundaring District Museum, Perth Hills Mundaring Visitor Centre and a range of shared-use community spaces.
  • Investment into public realm improvements within the Cultural Precinct, including: upgraded outdoor amphitheatre and public amenities; streetscape improvements and landscaping focused on improving pedestrian connectivity and amenity, encouraging a diverse range of outdoor spaces and addressing community parking concerns; and place activation.
  • Facilitation of new private development that aligns with the community's aspirations for sustainable growth of the Mundaring Town Centre, including diversified housing options and complementary commercial uses (such as shops, hospitality and offices).

Opening new development opportunities

Shire of Mundaring Council has approved a land rationalisation plan to rejuvenate the Mundaring Town Centre. Key land tenure changes will enable private investment in retail, housing and mixed-use developments.

Launching Mundaring’s New Town Centre

Council have endorsed a budget to deliver an initial implementation stage of the Mundaring Town Centre Revitalisation and Multi-Purpose Community Facility project. The approved budget will facilitate development of a multi-story, Multi -Purpose Community Facility (MPCF) and help deliver priority upgrades and enhancements within the surrounding Cultural Precinct.

  • Stage 1 - Preliminary Planning

    2019 - 2021

    1. Initial community and stakeholder consultation (surveys and workshops)
    2. Research and analysis of community facility needs in the Mundaring Town Centre
    3. Research and assessment of 4x options for future delivery of community facilities
      - Council adopt a 'Hub-Plus' concept for delivering a Multi-Purpose Community Facility
      - Council adopt a decision making criteria for selecting the services to be accommodated within the MPCF
    4. Land assembly planning
  • Stage 2 - Planning and Design

    2022 - 2025

    Stage 2 will involve the following:

    1. Community and stakeholder engagement
    2. Determining the uses and services to be accommodated within the proposed Multi-Purpose Community Facility and the arrangement of standalone uses and services within the Mundaring Town Centre - 2023
    3. Development of a Masterplan for the Cultural Precinct, identifying precinct upgrades and the preferred home for community services within the town centre - 2023
    4. Establishing a budget paramter and identifying priorities for deliverying an initial implentation stage of the project - 2023-24
    5. Service modelling - 2023-24
    6. Developed concept design for the Mundaring Cultural Hub, informed by detailed operational modelling and stakeholder consultation - 2024
    7. Negotiate land tenure required to facilitate coordinated development of Shire owned and managed land - 2024-25
    8. Securing external funding for Mundaring Cultural Hub construction and Cultural Precinct improvements - 2024-25
  • Stage 3 - Detailed design

    2025 - 2026

  • Stage 4 - Construction and fit-out

    2026 - 2029

  • Stage 5 - Launch of new facility


Project Rationale

The majority of existing community groups and services in the town centre are currently operating in ageing and inefficient facilities which are not well suited to accommodate their current uses. Consolidating facilities and services will also improve efficiencies in energy use, facility maintenance and staff resourcing.

Investing in quality community infrastructure and place-making initiatives will help realise the community's vision for a revitalised Mundaring Town Centre and will better support community wellbeing, access to services and the growth of local business.

The MPCF and Cultural Precinct will become a key focal point for the local community, business and visitors alike.

Works undertaken to date

Shire of Mundaring has been planning for the co-location of replacement community facilities within the Mundaring Town Centre for several decades, including purchasing land to build new community facilities and establishing a reserves fund to help fund planning, design and construction. 

More recently, strategic planning for the Mundaring Town Centre reinforced the need for significant Shire investment into the Mundaring Town Centre, in order to meet community's vision for a vibrant and desirable district centre, now and into the future. 

Stage 1 Preliminary Planning

Stage 1 involved:

  • consultation to understand the community's current and future needs;
  • an analysis of community facility needs; 
  • analysing and planning for land requirements. 

Stage 2 Planning and Design

Stage 2A has recently been completed. This phase of the project involved community and stakeholders working with the Shire's design team to develop Concept Sketch and Masterplan options for the Multi-Purpose Community Facility (MPCF) and Cultural Precinct. A strong collaborative approach for community engagement was undertaken to ensure the project meets the shared needs and aspirations of the community. Development and refinement of the options was informed by community surveys, stakeholder workshops, community design workshops and interrogation by a delibrative panel. The delibertaive panel was made up of community members tasked with representing the broad interests of the whole community.    

Key decisions

September 2020

  • Council endorsed a conceptual Hub-Plus model for delivery of the proposed Multi-Purpose Community Facility. The Hub-Plus model proposes to co-locate the majority of community facilities and services, while retaining productive use (or re-purposing) of nearby facilities; and
  • Council adopted a decision making framework (refer 'Gallery' on sidebar) for determining the uses and services to be accommodated in and delivered from the proposed Multi-Purpose Community Facility.

September 2023

  • Council endorsed a preferred concept design for delivering the proposed Multi-Purpose Community Facility (MPCF) and reimagined Cultural Precinct, including:  
    • The general form, layout and siting of the prospode MPCF

    • The services to be accommodated with the MPCF

    • Upgrades to enhance the Cultural Precinct

Next steps

Working with key stakeholders, the next steps include:

  • Exploring potential commercial and government partnerships to help fund the project.
  • Undertaking building design and operational modelling.
  • Exploring what place-making improvements can and should occur now.
  • Development of a detailed business case to undertake construction   

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