Local Planning Scheme No. 5 and Local Planning Strategy

Project Overview

Shire of Mundaring is embarking on a significant review of its Local Planning Scheme and Strategy to guide future land use and development in line with the community’s needs and aspirations. This forward-thinking approach aims to ensure that future growth is responsible, reflecting the Shire's commitment to a sustainable future.

The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has endorsed the Shire's Scheme Review Report, marking a crucial first step in advancing the Shire's planning framework. This decision sets the stage for responsible development and growth, ensuring that the Shire remains aligned with the aspirations of its community.

The process will unfold in three stages, beginning with the preparation of a Land Use Planning Strategy, the findings and recommendations of which will then assist with preparing the new Local Planning Strategy, as well as the creation of the new Local Planning Scheme. Each stage will be community-focused and involve public consultation to ensure that the needs and aspirations of residents are central to the planning process.

A copy of the April 2024 Council meeting minutes regarding the Scheme review report item, a copy of the WAPC’s decision, and the endorsed Scheme Review Report, can be found under the Project Document Library section of this site.

Updates regarding the progression of the Land Use Planning Strategy, Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme No.5 will be provided, when necessary, in the Latest News and Project Timeline sections below.

If you have any queries please refer to the FAQ (frequently asked questions) section of this site, or contact the Shire's Planning Services on 9290 6740 or via shire@mundaring.wa.gov.au

Preliminary Stakeholder Consultation for New Local Planning Strategy

To assist with the preparation of a new Local Planning Strategy, and to provide the opportunity for stakeholders to shape the future local planning framework, the Shire has undertaken preliminary stakeholder consultation. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. This will be considered whilst preparing the new Local Planning Strategy.

Details of any further public consultation to be undertaken for this project will be provided on this site in the future. In the meantime, please feel free to provide any suggestions you would like the Shire to consider during the preparation of the new local planning strategy and/or local planning scheme. Details about how to do this can be found in the Idea Wall section on this site.

Should you have any queries please contact the Shire’s Planning Services on 9290 6740 or via shire@mundaring.wa.gov.au.

Western Australian Planning Commission decision on the Shire’s Scheme Review Report

It is hereby advised that at its 21 August 2024 Statutory Planning Committee meeting, the Western Australian Planning Commission resolved to agree with the recommendations in the Shire’s Scheme Review Report to:

  1. prepare a new Local Planning Scheme and upon gazettal, repeal Local Planning Scheme No.4; and
  2. prepare a new Local Planning Strategy and upon approval, revoke the Local Planning Strategy (2013).

In accordance with Regulation 67(2) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, a copy of the Shire’s Scheme Review Report and of the Commission’s decision are available to view at the Shire’s Administration Centre (7000 Great Eastern Highway, Mundaring) during normal business hours, and also under the Project Document Library section of this site.

When necessary, updates regarding the preparation of the new Local Planning Strategy and new Local Planning Scheme will be made available on this site.

If you have any queries the Shire’s Planning Services can be contacted on 9290 6740 or via shire@mundaring.wa.gov.au

As a result of the WAPC decision to agree with the recommendations of the Shire’s Scheme review report, work on preparing the following documents is being undertaken by the Shire. The anticipated completion dates being in accordance with the Shire’s Council Plan 2024-2034 which can be viewed here

Important Note: Both the new Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme No.5 require State Government consent/approval at various stages during their preparation. The progression and finalisation of these documents is dependent on the State Government's consent/approval being forthcoming.

  • Land Use Planning Strategy

    Anticipated to be completed by the end of 2026/2027

    Stage 1

    Preparation of background review report - Completed February 2025

    Stage 2

    Preparation of draft Land Use Planning Strategy (LUPS) - Current stage

    Stage 3

    Council endorsement (for consultation)

    Stage 4

    Public Advertising and referral to State Government departments and agencies

    Stage 5

    If necessary, modifications made to draft LUPS as a result of comments received during the advertising period.

    Stage 6

    Council consideration for adoption

    The findings and recommendations of the LUPS will then inform the new Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme No.5.

  • Local Planning Strategy

    Anticipated to be completed by the end of 2027/2028.

    Stage 1

    Preliminary stakeholder consultation - Completed October 2024

    Stage 2

    Preparation of draft Local Planning Strategy (LPS) - Current stage (This stage cannot be completed until after the Land Use Planning Strategy has been adopted)
    Stage 3

    Council consideration and referral to WAPC for Certification

    Stage 4

    Draft LPS certified by WAPC.

    Draft LPS publicly advertised and referred to State Government departments and agencies

    Stage 5

    If necessary, modifications made to draft LPS as a result of comments received during the advertising period.

    Stage 6

    Council consideration for adoption

    Stage 7

    Referral of draft LPS to WAPC for endorsement and publication

  • Local Planning Scheme No.5

    Anticipated to be completed by the end of 2027/2028

    Stage 1

    WAPC endorses Council’s Scheme Review Report - Completed August 2024

    Stage 2

    Shire prepares draft Local Planning Scheme No.5 (LPS5) - Current stage (This stage cannot be completed until after the Land Use Planning Strategy has been adopted)

    Stage 3

    Council endorsement (for consultation)

    Stage 4

    Referred to WAPC for endorsement to advertise, and to Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to assess potential environmental impacts of draft LPS5

    Stage 5

    WAPC endorses draft LPS5 for advertising and EPA consent received.

    Draft LPS5 publicly advertised and referred to State Government departments and agencies

    Stage 6

    If necessary, modifications made to draft LPS5 as a result of comments received during the advertising period.

    Stage 7

    Council consideration for adoption

    Stage 8

    Draft LPS5 referred to WAPC for consideration

    Stage 9

    WAPC recommends final approval to the Minister

    Stage 10

    LPS5 approved by Minister for Planning, and is implemented once Gazetted.

The Shire's Council Plan 2024-2034 combines its Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan into one document.  It articulates the community’s vision, outcomes and strategic priorities.  Based upon this, the Shire's vision is: 

The place for sustainable living

All local governments are required to regularly update their local planning strategy and  local planning schemes to reflect their community’s changing demographics and needs. The review of the Shire's current local planning scheme and local planning strategy, and the preparation of a land use planning strategy, are identified as being priority projects in Council Plan 2024-2034.

Since approval of the Shire’s current Local Planning Scheme No. 4 in 2014, planning legislation and practices have undergone significant change. 

By preparing a new Local Planning Scheme the Shire is ensuring our planning rules are up to date with current legislative requirements, and are clearer and easier to use.

Refer to the Tabbed Content and FAQ sections of this site for further information.

Idea and Story Wall

The local planning strategy shall outline the 15 year vision for how land use change and development will occur within the Shire of Mundaring. If you have any suggestions in relation to how and where you would like to see this occur, and what changes (if any) should be made to the local planning scheme, we would like to hear from you. Suggestions can either be:

  • provided on this Idea Wall; or
  • posted to Shire of Mundaring, 7000 Great Eastern Highway, MUNDARING WA 6073; or
  • sent via email to shire@mundaring.wa.gov.au

In depth public consultation will be undertaken during the preparation of these documents, details regarding which will be provided on this site and in the local newspaper when it occurs.

Tabbed Content