Volunteering Network

Latest News

  • Quick Grants Opening

    This grant offers up to $500 to community groups for the purchase of small equipment, training and any other small projects that benefit the community.

    Further information including the grant guidelines and online application forms can be found at mundaring.smartygrants.com.au

    Applications close 4pm Monday 21 October 2024.

    All community groups are encouraged to discuss their ideas and options with the Community Capacity Building Officer prior to submitting an application, particularly those seeking funds for the first time on 9290 6678 or ccbo@mundaring.wa.gov.au.

    All prior Quick Grants must be acquitted prior to submitting a new application.

    No late applications will be accepted.

  • Get your green thumbs ready!

    The first community garden created in the shire, the Glen Forrest Community Garden has been around for 10 years. It is very well established with sheds, tools, reticulation, garden beds, a large permanent gazebo, wood fire pizza oven and mature fruit trees.

    We are looking for a fresh new committee to continue to build this amazing garden. There are many ways to engage with the garden, either as executive committee members such as chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer, or become an ordinary member and fill roles such as permaculture/regenerative agriculture team leader, design team leader, community engagement coordinator, composting and worm farm team leader or grant writer. Training can be arranged for any of these positions should you want to up-skill.

    This is an opportunity to keep creating a beautiful space and to sustain a resilient and supportive social group centred on growing a thriving garden that nourishes the Earth and people. The GFCG already has a regular Food Share - Plants and Produce and much loved Pixies in the Patch for young children but has also held events like Volunteer Appreciation days and the Festival of Forgotten Skills. What social events would you like to see held in the garden?

    If you are interested in becoming a member or just having a chat, call Christel on 0408 093 711 or email gfcommunitygarden@gmail.com or please come see us at our AGM on Sunday 17th March at 10:30am.

    Please see this link to our Facebook morning tea chat event for prospective new members - https://fb.me/e/3jLAAMW1C

  • We're looking for a few good neighbours!

    Bushfire Ready Groups are neighbours who connect informally to work together to prepare and protect their families and properties against bush fire. They are assisted by Street Coordinators and Facilitators.

    • Bushfire Ready Facilitators are Brigade members who provide preparedness updates and locally focussed resources
    • Anyone can be a Bushfire Ready Street Coordinator. Coordinators assist Facilitators through encouraging the participation of neighbours and being the point of contact.

    By becoming a Bushfire Ready Facilitator or Street Coordinator you can play a crucial role in community safety and contribute to the overall resilience of your area or street.

    All required training and resources are provided, with both roles being fully supported by the Brigade and DFES.

    If you are interested in becoming a Facilitator or Coordinator, drop in to your local station on a Saturday morning or call:

    • Chidlow - 9572 3016
    • Darlington - 9299 7217
    • Parkerville - 9295 4484

    If you would like assistance with saying "hello" to your neighbours contact the Shire via fse@mundaring.wa.gov.au or call 9290 6696.

  • SmartySearch transforms grant possibilities

    The free SmartySearch online platform will help connect community groups in the shire with invaluable funding opportunities from government, philanthropic, and corporate grantmakers.

    Updated daily, the platform is set to empower individuals, not-for-profits, businesses, schools, and more with free and immediate access to a comprehensive range of grant options.

    Access the SmartySearch platform here. For further information, contact the Shire’s Community Capacity Building Officer via ccbo@mundaring.wa.gov.au or (08) 9290 6678.

  • Passionate about the local environment?

    The Helena River Catchment Group has been operating in the Mundaring region for 25 years, helping preserve nature in the region.

    The group work to the following objectives:

    • Maintain and improve water quality in the catchment.
    • Improve the management of remnant vegetation, and to plan and target revegetation in the catchment to benefit biodiversity and habitat and improve water quality.
    • Protect our resources and environment through improved land management.
    • Increase awareness of catchment management in order to maintain and improve environmental qualities.
    • Advocate environmentally sensitive planning by Local, State and Federal Governments.
    • Protect the catchment and waterways through management and practices that balance Aboriginal heritage issues, recreation needs and accessibility.
    • Promote environmental education in the catchment.
    • Improve the ecosystems of the Helena River catchment to ensure its sustainability.

    Want to help out with social media or good at numbers? The group is looking for a Treasurer and someone to manage their socials.

    The group meets monthly on a Monday evening.

    Volunteers from all backgrounds are welcome.

    To find out more and to express an interest contact:

    Abha Singh - secretary.helenarivercg@gmail.com - 0414 372 706