Information Links
Visit the Bush Fires and Fire Management section of the Shire's website to learn about: Asset Protection Zones | Burning Periods + Fire Danger Ratings | Bushfire Information SMS Tool | Fire Bans | Fire Pits, BBQs, Pizza Ovens, and Smokers | Firebreak and Fuel Load Notice | Hazard Reduction Burns | Local Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades | Permits to Burn | Verges - Public Land Management
Visit the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) website for detailed information on preparing for, and recovering from, Bushfires, Storms and Cyclones.
Other resources:
- Emergency WA app - download from the App Store or Google Play
- Birdies Tree - Natural Disaster Story Books for Kids
- Healthy WA - Natural Disasters and Alerts
- Red Cross - Emergencies: Preparing, Response and Recovery
- Translated DFES Resources
- Water Corporation - Bushfires & Your Water Supply, plan ahead & be prepared
- Water Corporation - Sign up for water supply alerts
- Western Power - Bushfire Preparedness
Property and Personal Preparation (ProPer Prep) local Information sheets and resources:
- Check out our suite of short ProPer Prep videos! Thanks to the National Disaster Risk Reduction (NDRR) Grants Program.
- Australian Fire Danger Rating System Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Australian Warning System - Actions (PDF)
- Bushfire Plan (DFES site)
- Bushfire Ready Groups (PDF)
- Circular Phone Tree (PDF)
- Disaster-ous Dinners "Meet your Street!" (PDF)
- Document Scanning Tips (PDF)
- Document Storage - Pros and Cons (PDF)
- Document Storage Safety - Group Session (PDF)
- Emergency Kit List (PDF)
- Firebreak Contractor List (PDF)
- Firewise Gardening in Western Australia (PDF)
- Hello Neighbour Introduction (PDF)
- Hello Neighbour Postcard (email us for a free pack)
- Hello Neighbour Postcard (PDF)
- Hello Neighbour Street Meet (email us for information)
- Legal Documents Checklist (PDF)
- Supporting Your Wellbeing in Recovery (PDF)
- Whats App Groups (PDF)