Educational Establishment - 340 Roland Road, Parkerville

Project Overview

The Shire has received a development application for an Educational Establishment at 340 Roland Road, Parkerville (Parkerville Children's Home) which is being advertised for public comment.

The following is a summary of the proposal:

  • Relates to the restoration and repurposing of existing buildings, with associated works, for use as an Educational Establishment;
  • The school is proposed to have 50 high-school aged students and 10-12 staff within its first year of operation, with numbers increasing to approximately 90 students and 17-20 staff by 2030.

What happens after the public comment period

The consultation period for this proposal concluded on 17 January 2025.

As the consultation period has concluded, the Shire has reviewedall of the submissions received.

A report containing the Shire's recommendation has been submitted tothe Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel (DAP) to consider when it determines the application.

Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel

In accordance with Regulation 39(1A) of thePlanning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Regulations 2011, please be advised that the proposal is being considered at the Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel meeting being held:

Date: Thursday 27 February 2025

Time: 9:30am

Venue: Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage, 140 William Street, Perth (or online)

To participate in the meeting electronically, please use the following link:

When logging in, please ensure your screen name reads asFull Name, so that you are easily identifiable.

The agenda for the above meeting is now available to view on the DAP wesbite.

As Agenda documents are updated regularly, please ensure you check online for the most current version.

More information and contact

Should you have any further enquiries, please contact David Tomlinson (Planning Officer) of the Shire’s Planning Services on 9290 6740 or via email to