Ellesmere Road, Swan View Lot 8938

Project Overview

The Shire recently sought early feedback from the community on a potential rezoning of a portion of Lot 8938 Ellesmere Road (Ellesmere Park) Swan View to enable retail/commercial development. Additionally, we sought your input on what enhanced park facilities you would like to see at this site.

Your insights were essential to ensure that any future developments align with community needs and priorities. By participating, you were able to influence the direction of this project and contribute to the decision-making process that will impact Swan View.

Please visit the ‘Project Background’ tab for full details. Please note the feedback closed 20 December 2024.

For more information contact the Strategic and Community Services team on 9290 6604 or email shire@mundaring.wa.gov.au

What is being proposed?

  • To rezone a portion of the site, thereby enabling it to be developed for retail/commercial purposes. This would occur via initiating an amendment to the Local Planning Scheme No.4. 
  • The land under consideration for rezoning is; Lot 8938 Ellesmere Road Swan View (Ellesmere Park). [See photo gallery for plan]
  • This location is currently set aside for the purpose of ‘Public Recreation’ and managed by the Shire, with no power to lease or licence currently.

What are the likely benefits?

  • Minimise annual rate increases to avoid over reliance on the existing rates base.
  • Support local economic growth, improve access to retail services, and reduce the need for residents to travel long distances for increased shopping choices and essential services. 
  • Provide more local employment opportunities.
  • Enhance the convenience of daily life for residents.
  • Support local businesses and attract new investment.
  • Maintain access for Public Recreation purposes at the site via seeking to rezone only a portion of the site for commercial/retail purposes. 
  • Improve community infrastructure and services by upgrading the remaining portion of the Reserve with enhanced park amenities. This could include for example, dog park facilities, playground, seating, and/or increased vegetation.

Next Steps
Once the early feedback on the proposal has been received, the Shire will prepare a summary report which will be presented to Council who will make the final decision as to whether to initiate an amendment to the Local Planning Scheme No.4. If an amendment to the scheme were to initiated, further community consultation would be undertaken at that time.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.