The Shire of Mundaring has received an amended application for child care premises at 40 Marlboro Road, Swan View, which was previously approved by the Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel in August 2023.This application seeks to amend the permissible hours during which the outdoor play spaces for the child care premises can be used. Currently these spaces are permitted to be used from 8.30am to 5.30pm, the applicant is now proposing to amend the hours of use to be from 7.30am to 5.30pm.
No changes are proposed to be made to the building itself or any other aspect of how the child care premises shall operate.
Please refer to the Project Document Library section on this site for the supporting documentation, and the site plan approved previously which shows the location of the outdoor play spaces. They can also be viewed at the Shire’s Administration Building (7000 Great Eastern Highway, Mundaring) during normal business hours.
How to make a submission
Submissions on the proposal can be made via:
Please ensure that submissions are made by 4.00pm on 17 January 2025.
Once the advertising period has concluded the Shire will review all of the submissions received. A report containing a recommendation will then be prepared for the Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel to consider when it determines the application.
Should you have any enquiries, please contact Andrew Bratley (Coordinator Strategic Planning) or the Shire’s Planning Services on 9290 6740 or via
The Development Assessment Panel (DAP) is a decision-making body that is independent of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage or the Western Australian Planning Commission.
DAPs were established under the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Regulations 2011 and are administered by the DAP secretariat within the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.
The Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel is responsible for determining the development application. The Shire has a key role in assessing and providing a recommendation on the proposal.
The Shire and the DAP must consider the planning merits of the proposal and the planning issues that have been raised in the submissions received. The Shire asks that comments be limited to matters directly related to the planning merits or impacts of the proposal. Matters the Shire is not required to have regard to when considering such a proposal include, but are not limited to, perceived loss of property value, private disputes between neighbours, and matters that are controlled under non-Planning related legislation.
Please include "Amendments to Child Care Premises - 40 Marlboro Road, Swan View" in the subject line of your submission.
Phone: 9290 6740
Mundadjalina-k ngala kaditj Noongar moort nidja Wadjak boodjar-ak kalyakool moondang-ak kaaradj-midi.
Ngala Noongar Moort wer baalabang moorditj kaadidjiny koota-djinanginy.
Ngala Noongar wer Torres Strait Moort-al dandjoo koorliny kwaba-djinanginy.
Koora, yeyi wer kalyakool, ngalak Aboriginal wer Torres Strait birdiya wer moort koota-djinanginy.
Shire of Mundaring respectfully acknowledges the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation, who are the traditional custodians of this land.
We acknowledge Elders past, present and emerging and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the region.