Third Party LED Advertisements - 23 Stanhope Gardens, Midvale

Project Overview

The Shire has received a development application for third party LED advertisements proposed at 23 Stanhope Gardens, Midvale.

The application proposes the construction of a 17.5m high structure, attached to which shall be two 87sqm LED panels which will display third party advertisements.

The structure will be located towards the rear of the subject property in place of an existing advertisement structure.

The advertisement panels will be fully visible to traffic travelling north or south along Roe Highway.

The consultation period for this proposal concluded on 12 December 2024.

What happens next

As the consultation period has concluded, the Shire is now reviewing all of the submissions received and is finalising its assessment.

A report containing a recommendation will then be prepared for the Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel (DAP) to consider when it determines the application. Details regarding the DAP meeting this proposal is being determined at will be provided on this site when known.

More information and contact

Should you have any enquiries, please contact Andrew Bratley (Coordinator Strategic Planning) or the Shire’s Planning Services on (08) 9290 6740 or via