Amendments to Structure Plan 71 (Helena Valley)


A structure plan is a planning document which guides future land use and development for an area.  The Shire has regard to structure plans when assessing development and subdivision applications.

The density codes are intended to guide:

(a) subdivision - by means of minimum and average lot size; and

(b) development and built form - by way of development controls.

The minimum and average lot size requirements for the density codings can be found under Table D of the Residential Design Codes Volume 1 found here

The Western Australian Planning Commission is responsible for determining the structure plan to ensure that State strategic planning priorities and policy objectives are delivered through progressive subdivision and development in a coordinated manner.

The Shire has a key role in assessing and providing a recommendation on the structure plan. 

Structure plans are valid for 10 years - or a longer period approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission - after which they will expire.

Council must consider the planning merits of the proposal and the planning issues that have been raised in the submissions received.  The Shire asks that comments be limited to matters directly related to the planning merits or impacts of the proposed structure plan. Matters the Shire is not required to have regard to when considering such a proposal include, but are not limited to, perceived loss of property value, private disputes between neighbours, and matters that are controlled under non-Planning related legislation.