The Shire has received a request to amend Structure Plan 71 (SP71), being Lot 6 Helena Valley Road and Lots 9001 and 9002 Carabeen Avenue, Helena Valley.
Public comment is invited on the following proposed amendments to SP71:
- The central portion of SP71 being amended to become ‘Residential R20 and R30’, and being changed from ‘Public Open Space / Drainage’ to ‘Residential R30’.
- The north-western portion of SP71 being changed from ‘Public Open Space / Drainage’ and ‘Rural Residential’ to ‘Recreation’ and ‘Residential R5 and R15’.
The south-western portion of SP71 shown to be ‘subject to future planning’ is proposed to be reduced in area, this being due to the Reserve adjacent to the watercourse being proposed to be enlarged.
Structure plan documents
Please refer to the project document library section on this site for the Structure Plan Report and supporting documents.They can also be viewed at the following locations:
- Shire’s Administration Building (7000 Great Eastern Highway, Mundaring)
- Katharine Susannah Prichard Library (119-135 Scott Street, Helena Valley)
How to make a submission
Submissions on amended Structure Plan 71 can be made via:
- Online: (preferred)See 'Submission' form
- Email:
- Post: Address to Planning Services, Shire of Mundaring, 7000 Great Eastern Highway, MUNDARING WA 6073
Closing date
Please ensure that submissions are made by 4.00pm on 19 December 2024.
What happens after the public comment period
Once the advertising period has concluded the Shire will review all of the submissions received. A report will then be prepared for Council to consider, and subsequently a recommendation will be provided to the Western Australian Planning Commission on whether the proposal should be refused, or be approved with or without modifications.
The Commission will make a final decision to approve or refuse the structure plan.
If the Commission decides to approve the structure plan, it comes into effect immediately. The Shire is to have due regard to, but is not bound by, the structure plan when considering any development and subdivision applications in the area.
More information and contact
Should you have any enquiries, please contact Andrew Bratley (Coordinator Strategic Planning) or the Shire’s Planning Services on (08) 9290 6740 or via